Dear Parents & Guardians,
As we come towards the end of the school year there are still a few important dates for your calendar!
- Please send in a Stamped Self Addressed Envelope for each child for the report card and booklist to be posted to you. Any envelopes received by Friday will be posted on Monday.
- A second hand Uniform & Tracksuit Sale will be held next Thursday and Friday in the school yard weather permitting. In order to facilitate this the children are allowed NOT to wear their school clothes on the Wednesday and for the rest of the term. This will allow school clothes to be washed and dropped off on the Wednesday. The clothes will be on sale on Thursday and Friday at 9.30.
- On Friday, 26th June at 9.30a.m. There will be an end of term coffee morning in the school hall. Everyone is welcome to come and if you would like to bake or bring some food to share, that would be most welcome also! The parent-toddler group will relocate to the school hall for that morning.
- We will have a clothes collection next week. Clothes can be dropped in bags beside the eco rooms on Wed., Thurs. and Fri. 24th, 25th & 26th June at school drop off and collection times and on Mon. 29th at 9.20a.m.
The following clean items can be accepted in the clothes collection:
Clothes Shoes Underwear Towels Blankets Sheets
Curtains Duvet covers Pillow cases Handbags Belts
(We cannot accept duvets or pillows). Thanks for all the support you have given throughout the year with these collections! They allow us to convert your clothes into equipment and help for the school!