A free of charge course, given by Suzanne Lindsey of Foroige, for parents and care-givers on how to build their Children and Teens’:
- Confidence and self-esteem
- Decision making skills
- Ability to stand up for themselves and deal with peer pressure
As well as ways to build positive communication in the family which helps Children and Teens to:
- Talk about what is going on in their lives
- Get any worries or problems they have off their chests
- Listen to their parents and take their advice
- Work out disagreements in a calmer way
The free of charge course for parents on “How to Build Self Esteem and Life-Skills in Children and Teens” will take place in the Parents Room at 9.30 on the following
four Tuesdays: April 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th. Each class will be approximately an hour and a half long.
The facilitator will be Suzanne Lindsay from Foroige. Tea and coffee will be provided. Please call Kathleen HSCL on 086 027 6666 to secure your place on this highly recommended course.